Updated 2013 November 7
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Dominion is the exercise of control over the world and its inhabitants.
groups which are responsible for the actual physical dominion of humans over other humans.
― 中國共產黨 « Çuŋ5 Kuo35 Kuŋ51 Ç‛an214 Taŋ214 », 中國 « Çuŋ5 Kuo35 ». Ruling since 1931. Sixty-year tyranny over the world’s most populous state. Long history of atrocities, such as the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution. Continual imprisonment and execution of dissidents. Most notorious in recent history for massacring peaceful demonstrators in 天安門 « T‛ien5 An5 Mən35 » Square on 1989 June 4.
― 조선인민군 « Co Sen Øin Min Kun » – 조선로동당 « Co Sen Lo Toŋ Taŋ », 북조선 « Puk Co Sen ». Ruling since 1945. The 2011 death of 김정일 « Kim Ceŋ Øil » has ended, for the moment, the autocracy; his designated successor, son 김정은 « Kim Ceŋ Øun », is officially recognized as supreme leader. The latter’s control cannot yet be effective, but the family cult, displacement of régime figures, and executions may change that soon.
― طالبان « Tālibān », پښتونستان « Paxtūnestān ». Ruling since 1994. Once rulers of most of افغانستان « Ɔafğānestān », then defeated after 2001 September 11, now controlling land on both sides of the پاکستان « Pākistān » - افغانستان « Ɔafğānestān » border. Religious extremists and supporters of regional and international terrorism.
― جمهورى اسلامى « Ĝumhūrī Ɔislāmī », ايران « Ɔīrān ». Ruling since 1979. This tyranny, founded by روح الله خمينى « Rūhɔollah Xomejnī », is now headed by على خامنه اى « Calī Xāmenehɔī » as رهبر « Rahbar » (ولى فقيه « Ŭalī Faqīh »). Imposes fundamentalist الاسلام « ɔal-Ɔislām » upon an entire state. An appointed council, the شورای نگهبان قانون اساسی « Šūrā-je Negahbān-e Qānūn-e Ɔasāsī », circumscribes law and democracy; a multimillion-member paramilitary group, the بسيج « Basīĝ », polices the public.
― ພັກປະຊາຊົນປະຕິວັດລາວ « B‛ak-Pajājon-Pat‛iŭat-Lāŭ », ລາວ « Lāŭ ». Ruling since 1975. One-party state.
― Đảng Cộng sản Việt Nam, Việt Nam. Ruling since 1954. One-party state.
― القاعدة « Ɔal-Qācidaḧ ». Led by أسامة بن لادن « Ɔusāmaḧ bin Lādan » until his death; now led by ايمن الظواهرى « Ɔajman ɔal-Ðaŭāhirī ». Pursuing its goal of a Grand خلافة « Xilāfaḧ » through mass murder.
― القاعدة بالعراق « Ɔal-Qācidaḧ biɔl-Cirāq ». Ruling since 2003. Also known as جماعة التوحيد والجهاد « Ĝamācaḧ ɔal-Taŭhīd ŭāl-Ĝihād » and other names. Led by ابو مصعب الزرقاوي « Ɔabū Musacab ɔal-Zarqāŭī » until his death. Active in العراق « ɔal-Cirāq », fighting to impose theocracy and disrupt any legitimate attempt at participatory government. Affiliated with القاعدة « ɔal-Qācidaḧ ».
― السعود « Ɔal-Sacūd » family, السعودية « ɔal-Sacūdīaḧ ». Ruling since 1744. عبدالله بن عبد العزيز آل سعود « Cabdɔullah bin Cabd ɔul-Cazīz ɔāl Sacūd » is merely the most recent chief of this oppressive, theocratic petroleum dictatorship.
― Al-Shabaab, Soomaaliya. Ruling since 2007. The more violent religious movement in southern Soomaaliya, and the most successful current force in the area.
― State Council, ဗမာ « Bamā ». Ruling since 1988. Seized power after popular uprising against previous dictatorship, killing thousands of dissidents. In 1990, it held and then rescinded elections. Originally “နိုင်ငံတော်ငြိမ်ဝပ်ပိပြားမှုတည်ဆောက်ရေးကောင်စီ” « Nuiŋŋatå-Ŋrim-Ŭappiprāmhu-Tañcok-Re-Koŋcī »; now calls itself “နိုင်ငံတော်အေးချမ်းသာယာရေးနှင့်ဖွံ့ဖြိုးရေးကောင်စီ « Nuiŋŋatå-’Ek‛jama-Sājā-Re-Nhaŋ-P‛ŭãp‛rui-Re-Koŋcī ». Led by the increasingly-autocratic သန္းေရ္ဝ္ဟ « San Hrŭe ». A transition to a supposedly-elected government in 2011 under သိန်းစိန် « Sin Cin » and relaxation of restrictions on the political opposition has left the situation unclear and fluid.
― The Mafia. Global system of extortion.
― Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia. Has controlled much of what is recognized as Colombia, and has forced the resignation of more than a hundred officials. Had recently a force of 17000 guerrilleros, but is currently losing strength rapidly and negotiating an end to the conflict bith Colombia-Bogotá.
― Autodefensas Unidas de Colombia. A rightist paramilitary army of 10000 which may be in part demobilizing, though its Bloque Metro faction is resisting, and in part it is simply reorganizing.
― Ejército de Liberación Nacional, Colombia. A smaller band of guerrilleros, but also controlling land and terrorizing the populace.
― Sendero Luminoso, Perú. Formerly waning under rightist rule in Lima, but now resurgent.
― الصباح « Ɔal-Sabāh » family, الكويت « ɔal-Kūajt ». Ruling since 1752. Another oppressive, theocratic petroleum dictatorship, but this one was actually re-installed by the democracies of the west.
― حزب الله « Hizb ɔul-Lah », لبنان « Lubnān ». Fundamentalist army controlling land and terrorizing ישראל « Jiśraɔel »; has used violence and the threat of violence to force its way into the otherwise-elected recognized government.
― Military, الجزائر « ɔal-Ĝazāỉr ». Defending the state against fundamentalism by imposing illiberalism.
― Parti Démocratique Gabonais, Gabon. Ruling since 1960. Tool of the late dictator Omar Bongo, and now his family.
― Barisan Nasional, Malaysia. Ruling since 1957. The chief member is the Pertubuhan Kenangsaan Melayu Bersatu, supporting Melayu dominance in Malaysia. Autocrat Mahathir bin Mohamad has officially stepped down as prime minister after twenty-two years in favor of his deputy Abdullah Badawi. Periodically holds elections, but their fairness is dubious. Mahathir would not brook rivals; he routinely imprisoned opponents, including chief rival (and former deputy) Anwar Ibrahim.
― Chama Cha Mapinduzi, Tanzania. Ruling since 1962. The merger of the sole legal parties of Tanganyika and Zanzibar, and sole legal party in Tanzania until 1992. Without real opposition on the mainland, and still illiberal, particularly in the opposition stronghold of Zanzibar.
― Federal Supreme Council, الامارات العربية المتحدة « ɔal-Ɔamārāt ɔal-Carabīaḧ ɔal-Mut:ahidaḧ ». Comprising the امير « ɔamīr » of each member, traditionally headed by those of أبو ظبي « Ɔabū Ðabī » and دبي « Dubaj ».
― Military, Madagasikara. Ruling since 2009. Coup leaders André Ndriarijaona, a soldier, and Andry Rajoelina, the mayor of Antananarivo, removed elected president Marc Ravalomanana from office at the head of a military revolt.
― Partido Socialista Unido de Venezuela, Venezuela. Ruling since 1999. Popularly-elected tribune Hugo Chávez pursued the concentration of all power in his hands, and worked to prevent the legitimate activities of the opposition. He was temporarily deposed by the military after opposition protests and the death of several protesters, but reinstated after counterprotests. His successor is Nicolás Maduro.
― Upper castes, भारत « B‛ārat ». Prejudices continue to oppress those born to the हिन्दू « Hindū » lower castes, especially the dalits or ‘untouchables’, not merely through social pressure but also through violence.
individuals who have concentrated power in their own hands, and have used that power, to varying degrees, to rule over others.
― بشار الاسد « Bašār ɔal-Ɔasad », سوريا « Sūrīā ». Ruling since 2000. Heir to one of the world’s worst autocracies; small indications of liberalism in policy are now forgotten with a brutal crackdown on peaceful protest in 2011; more than a hundred thousand people have been killed since, mostly at the régime’s hands, including by chemical weapons.
― Robert Mugabe, Zimbabhwe. Ruling since 1981. Using the legitimate issue of land dominion by whites to quash opposition to his ruling Zimbabwe African National Union - Patriotic Front, and retain power; employing increasingly-totalitarian methods to control Zimbabhwe society. Has claimed victory in numerous unfair elections; has just been defeated again and is refusing to acknowledge the defeat. Previously responsible for the massacre of twenty thousand political opponents in KwaNdebele.
― Аляксандар Лукашэнка, Беларусь. Ruling since 1994. Taking Беларусь into union with Россия for no reason other, apparently, than his desire to be the new царь. Those among his subjects who accede to this may live to regret it.
― Fidel Castro Ruz, Cuba. Ruling since 1959. Day-to-day administration in Cuba is now managed by his brother and governing partner, Raúl Castro. Often romanticized for removing previous dictator Batista fifty years ago, and for economic policies; but complete lack of democracy and political rights, and frequent crackdowns on dissidents, demonstrate the régime’s true nature.
― Владимир Путин, Россия. Ruling since 1999. A popular politician, democratically elected, but with a clouded past, fighting democracy in Ost-Deutschland and open society in Россия. His only significant act as prime minister was to expand the outrageously-overreactive crackdown against militants from Noxçiyçö into a full-scale reconquest. This has involved a transparently-staged referendum in Noxçiyçö, and probably a staged series of apartment bombings blamed on Noxçiy militants. He is now working to consolidate power over the regions in his own hands, and has used media manipulation to win a majority in parliament, as well as creating a loyal “opposition” party. After ruling for years as president, he returned to the formal role of prime minister, with no change in his actual power. He resumed the nominal presidency in 2012.
― ហ៊ុន សែន « Hun Sen », កម្ពុជា « Kambujā ». Ruling since 1985. Appointed ruler by Việt Nam. Participated in elections and formed power-sharing government, but then seized all power himself in a coup d’état, executing nearly a hundred opponents. Any elections taking place under his watch are not reliable.
― عمر حسن البشير « Cumar Hasan ɔal-Bašīr », السودان « ɔal-Sūdān ». He and his National Congress Party are suppressing opposition in the عربى « Carabī » north, and fighting to impose عربى « Carabī » domination on the African south, whose independence has since been recognized, without ending conflicts over territory and oil. Former rival strongman حسن الترابى « Hasan ɔal-Turābī » was essentially the same. Most notorious for supporting mass murder in Darfur.
― Joseph Kony, Uganda North. Ruling since 1987. Commander of the brutal fundamentalist Lords Resistance Army, whose hold of parts of Uganda seems nearly over, but is now wandering central and east Africa.
― ኢሳያስ ኣፈወርቂ « Ɔisajasə Ɔafäŭärəqi », ኤርትራ « Ɔerətəra ». Ruling since 1991. Former ally of መለስ ዜናዊ « Mäläsə Zenaŭi », then rival. Increasingly illiberal.
― Obiang Nguema, Guinea Ecuatorial. Ruling since 1979. In power since a coup, running a sham democracy.
― گلبدين حکمتيار « Gulbud:īn Hekmatjār », زابل « Zābol ». Warlord of the fundamentalist حزب اسلامى « Hizb-i Ɔislāmī », comparable to the طالبان « Tālibān ».
― 江澤民 « Ćiaŋ5 Cə35 Min35 », 中國 « Çuŋ5 Kuo35 ». Ruling since 1997. In addition to establishing personal rule in the country, he fell victim to the temptation to a cult of personality, enshrining himself in the Party pantheon with 毛 « Mau35 » and 鄧 « Təŋ51 », not exactly august company. His official replacement by 胡錦濤 « Xu35 Ćin214 T‛au5 » did not demonstrably changed his control de facto of the state, or any of the government policies under his rule. His advancing age is more likely to limit his influence than the recent transition to the nominal rule of 習近平 « Śi35 Ćin51 P‛iŋ35 ».
― Islom Karimov, O'zbekiston. Ruling since 1989. Typical Türkestani аппаратчик-turned-autocrat.
― Mswati, Swatini. Ruling since 1986. Absolute monarch preserving traditional feudal rule; young, erratic.
― Yoweri Museveni, Uganda. Ruling since 1986. Has attempted to put the veneer of democracy on his one-party rule; but has begun acting forcefully against the political opposition.
― عبد الرشيد دستم « Cabd ɔel-Rašīd Dostum », مزار شريف « Mazār-e Šarīf ». One of the most disturbing warlords of recent years, still holding power in the north of افغانستان « Ɔafğānestān ».
― Hassanal Bolkiah, Brunei. Ruling since 1967. Rules absolutely and has massive state-amassed resources considered by himself and others to be a personal fortune.
― Kagame Paul, Rwanda. Ruling since 1994. Though rightly credited with stopping the 1994 massacre, Kagame has ruled Rwanda since, for six years de facto, and now de jure as well. Has just staged a false election, claiming 94.3% of the vote.
― Denis Sassou Nguesso, Congo-Brazzaville. Ruling 1979-1992 and since 1997. Retook power in a coup against elected president Pascal Lissouba; now working to entrench his rule through constitutional change.
― Нұрсұлтан Назарбаев, Қазақстан. Ruling since 1989. Still holding power from the Большевик era.
― Idriss Déby, Tchad. Ruling since 1990. Seized power originally; has held sham elections since 1996.
― Yahya Jammeh, the Gambia. Ruling since 1994. Originally took power in a coup.
― Paul Biya, Cameroun. Ruling since 1982. Came to power under a one-party system.
― Эмомалии Раҳмон(ов), Тоҷикистон. Ruling since 1994. Inherited a one-party state in place since independence.
― اسماعيل خان « Ɔismācīl Xān », هرات « Herāt ». Was until recently officially both governor and military commander, but has officially lost his military command, whether or not in fact.
― على عبدالله صالح « Calī Cabdɔullah Sālih », اليمن « ɔal-Jaman ». Ruling since 1978. Ended a brief experiment with democracy. Faced with protests in 2011, he repeatedly promised to stand down; his control of the state is likely to continue despite his official resignation.
― Blaise Compaoré, Burkina. Ruling since 1983, by himself since 1987. Soldier who seized power with Thomas Sankara and then executed him four years later.
― Ismaaciil Cumar Geele, Jabuuti-Soomaaliya. Ruling since 1999. Allowing slow movement towards democracy, but his party controls every seat in parliament.
― Bao You Xiang, Ŭa State. Leader of the United Ŭa State Army.
― İlham Əliyev, Azərbaycan. Ruling since 2003. Royalist successor to his father, Heydər, who was in power throughout most of independence but originally rose to power as the local party chief in 1967.
― حضرت على « Hadrat Calī », لغمان-ننگرهار-کنرها « Lağmān-Nangarhār-Kunarhā ».
― مقتدي الصدر « Muqtadaj ɔal-Sadr », النجف « ɔal-Naĝaf ». Theocratic cleric with his own private militia, the جيش المهدي « Ĝajš ɔal-Mahdī ».
― መለስ ዜናዊ « Mäläsə Zenaŭi », ኢትዮጵያ « Ɔitəjopija ». Ruling since 1991. Led the overthrow of መንግስቱ ሃይለማርያም « Mänəgəsətu Hajəlämarəjamə », and then replaced him.
― Michel Djotodia, Centrafrique. Ruling since 2013. Rebel leader who overthrew the unelected François Bozizé.
― محمد « Muham:ad » VI, المغرب الاقصى « ɔal-Mağrib ɔal-Ɔaqsaj ». Ruling since 1999. Traditional absolute monarch with limited modernizing tendencies.
― قابوس بن سعيد « Qābūs bin Sacīd », عمان « Cumān ». Ruling since 1970. Liberalizing سلطان « sultān », but not as liberalizing as some neighbors.
― 李光耀 « Li214 Kuaŋ5 Iau51 », 新加坡 « Śin1 Ka5 P‛o5 ». Ruling since 1959. Officially minister mentor, but has been in control de facto since independence from Malaysia. Now rules through his son, prime minister 李顯龍 « Li214 Śien214 Luŋ35 ».
― عبدالله
الثاني ابن الحسين « Cabdɔullah ɔal-Þānī ɔibn ɔal-Husajn », الاردن « ɔal-Ɔurdun: ». Ruling since 1999. Making slow progress towards democracy.
― حمد بن عيسى آل خليفة « Hamad bin Cīsaj ɔāl Xalīfaḧ », البحرين « ɔal-Bahrajn ». Ruling since 1999. Liberalizing king but still holding personal rule.
― حمد بن خليفة آل ثاني « Hamad bin Xalīfaḧ ɔāl Þānī », قطر « Qatar ». Ruling since 1995. Liberalizing امير « ɔamīr », also holding personal power.
― José Eduardo dos Santos, Angola. Ruling since 1979. Won a fair election in 1992, but has frequently postponed another election.
― George Tupou V, Tonga´. Ruling since 2006. An actual reigning monarch, and an unusual autocracy in the Pacific. His father ruled for forty-one years.
― Joseph Kabila, Congo-Kinsasa. Ruling since 2001. Son of Laurent Kabila, apparently won an election to succeed himself.
― Voreqe (Frank) Bainimarama, Viti. Ruling since 2006. Effectively in control of the state for the second time in a decade. Though better in policy than Laisenia Qarase, the prime minister he replaced, his anti-putsch rhetoric would be more believable had he restored the elected government when the first putsch was put down.
― محمد ولد عبد العزيز « Muham:ad Ŭuld Cabd ɔal-Cazīz », موريتانيا « Mūrītānīā ». Ruling since 2008. Overthrew the elected president who fired him.
― France René, Sesel. Ruling since 1977. Has officially retired from government, but still heads the ruling party. Originally took power in a coup; allowed reasonably fair elections on two occasions, but has been slipping back towards personal rule.
― මහින්ද රාජපක්ෂ « Mahinda Rājapaksa », ශ්රී ලංකා « Śrī Lãkā ». Ruling since 2005. Nationalist opponent of concessions to the தமிழ் « Tamiz » minority. He formed alliances before his election with radical-chauvinist parties, generally positioning himself as more hardline even than his predecessor, චන්ද්රිකා කුමාරතුංග « Candrikā Kumāratũga ». Since the defeat of the தமிழ் « Tamiz » state in 2009, he has promised reconciliation.
― འཇིགས་མེད་གེ་སར་རྣམ་རྒྱལ་དབང་ཕྱུག་ « Ɔjigs Med Ge Sar Rnam Rgjal Dbaŋ P‛jug », འབྲུག « Ɔbrug« ». Ruling since 2006. Ruling traditional monarch; inherited from his father, who began a process of liberalization. Parliamentary elections have been held, but have not yet led to a complete transfer of power.
― Hans-Adam von und zu Liechtenstein, Liechtenstein. Ruling since 1989. The state’s electorate has given in to demands to increase his governing power.
― Rafael Correa, Ecuador. Ruling since 2007. Immediately upon his democratic election, he began working against congressional opponents and the judiciary, including charging his opponents with treason and disbanding the elected legislature. As with Hugo Chávez, he is using the concentration of power and the extension of presidential terms to further a movement that is popular enough to succeed democratically.
democracies or near democracies which are particularly guilty of exercising dominion over their sovereignties.
― Россия. Voters have given a broad mandate to Борис Ельцин and Владимир Путин to continue their war against Içkeria. The empire is governed democratically, and has dwindled somewhat, but remains a national empire.
― Indonesia. Every democratic government has drawn the line on secession at Timor Loro Sae, which was the last autocratic act of the last autocrat, B.J. Habibie. Acheh, in particular, has overwhelming support for secession, but granting it self-determination would set a precedent which the new democracy and its leaders will not countenance, which is why they have invaded Acheh to suppress separatism.
― ශ්රී ලංකා « Śrī Lãkā ». The සිංහල « Sĩhala » majority has consistently refused self-determination to the தமிழ் « Tamiz » minority, which the historic treatment of the minority forces it to demand.
― Србија. The populace has voted and then risen up to remove a dictator, but has not renounced the right to rule Kosova.
― Türkiye. This state has historically been atrocious on human rights, massacring the Հայ « Haj » and suppressing Kurdî culture. Military-imposed “national” and secular orientation required of political parties. Has threatened invasion of Herêmî Kurdistan.
― Nigeria. As with Türkiye, the military imposed a “national” orientation on political parties, though that has been altered by a recent court ruling. And in the north, most provinces have adopted الشريعة « ɔal-Šarīcaḧ »; Zamfara has recruited thousands of volunteer enforcers.
― ישראל « Jiśraɔel ». While a majority of the population seems to favor statehood rights for the فلسطينيون « Filastīnīūn », they have often elected governments that do not.
― España. Mainstream politicians on both sides of parliament have fought against self-determination for Euskal Herria and other subordinated nations, and have banned the Euskal nationalist party Batasuna.
― Viti. Indians are being excluded from full participation following a nativist coup.
― Ecuador. Rafael Correa and his Alianza País, drawing on their electoral majority, have begun working to eliminate the voice of the political opposition.
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