Also: Придністров’я « Pridnístrov’ja ».
Officially: Приднестровская Молдавская Республика « Pridnestrovskaja Moldavskaja Respublika »; Придністровська Молдавська Республіка « Pridnístrovsĵka Moldavsĵka Respublíka »; Република Молдовеняскэ Нистрянэ « Republika Moldovenjaskč Nistrjanč ».
English: Transdniestria.
Seat of government: Тирасполь « Tiraspolĵ ».
Status: Democratic.
Structure: The president is elected directly; parliament (Верховный Совет « Verxovnyĭ Sovet »), which chooses the prime minister, is elected in geographical consituencies.
Governing party: Обновление « Obnovlenie ».
Heads of government: Вадим Красносельский « Vadim Krasnoselĵskiĭ », president; Александр Мартынов « Aleksandr Martynov », prime minister.
Other parliamentary parties: Приднестровская Коммунистическая Партия « Pridnestrovskaja Kommunističeskaja Partija »; Прорыв « Proryv ».
Assessment: Secessionist state internationally considered to be a part of Moldova (de Est). A referendum was held in 2006 for continued independence and eventual union with Россия « Rossija »; the official result, almost unanimously in favor, in probability was not genuinely democratic but did reflect popular opinion. The state as a whole was not democratic under longtime president Игорь Смирнов « Igorĵ Smirnov » (1990-2011). But in the 2005 legislative elections, the opposition Обновление « Obnovlenie » defeated the party of Смирнов « Smirnov », Республика « Respublika ». Обновление « Obnovlenie » then won a majority of seats in the 2010 legislative elections, and in the 2011 presidential election, Євген Шевчук « Évgen Ševčuk » (2011-6), a noted reformer, defeated Смирнов « Smirnov » and Анатолий Каминский « Anatoliĭ Kaminskiĭ », the favored candidate of Единая Россия « Edinaja Rossija ». Обновление « Obnovlenie » increased its majority in parliament in 2015 elections. Красносельский « Krasnoselĵskiĭ » defeated Шевчук « Ševčuk » in a 2016 presidential election.
FH: 6-6, not free.
Updated: 2017 March 27.